28 Apr Preeti Gupta – Women Setting new Benchmarks for Growth
According to a study by a leading business school, it is believed that 85 per cent of women choose family over work, which is considered the number one barrier to their career advancement. However, some overcome this thought and tend to achieve something beyond their comfort zone by still managing their day-to-day life.Meet Preeti Gupta, Senior Programmer Analyst at Kale Logistics Solutions, who eventually chose to set her standards and go the extra mile. Here is a glimpse of her professional journey.
Initial Days in Kale
Speaking about her initial days in Kale, Preeti says, “I had worked on the same technology platform earlier, but the logistics domain was entirely new. So, it was an interesting learning curve; I was mentored and supported by seniors across the organisation. At Kale, the top management understands how diversity is important. Creativity comes when two different work sets come together.”
Working with Male Colleagues
“It has always been a good experience working with male colleagues. I came across many knowledgeable, friendly, and cooperative colleagues throughout my tenure at Kale, especially my manager and department head, “says Preeti.
Work-Life Balance
“The common point of discussion in the corporate world today is work-life balance. But very few companies measure it in terms of the well-being of working women. Let us say I work till 7 PM and take an hour to reach home. Do I get to rest post that? Absolutely not. I have to look at the well-being of my family. In between, if my work hours extend a little, I don’t get to look at my family’s wellness. Kale provides good opportunities to balance work and personal life, says Preeti.
Why work for Kale?
When asked why women should work at Kale, Preeti says, “Based on my personal experience, I can say that Kale offers equal career growth opportunities to women. I haven’t seen or experienced any gender bias at Kale. Even women-friendly policies are a plus to working at Kale.”
Preeti, the Accomplisher
Managing regular chores and setting new benchmarks at work are opposite sides of the pole. Only a few efficiently manage both, and Preeti is one of them. Her contribution to the team and the organisation is commendable. Moreover, she inspires all other women to set their own benchmarks and growth trajectory.
When you look around, Information Technology is everywhere. Why wouldn’t you want to be a part of this journey? When I wake up in the morning, and get excited to think that what I do matters at a border level. It is the desire to learn constantly that has kept me going. I am a problem solver, and I try to be objective at every step of my way, and solve the problem and move on.”